Home Authors Posts by Curious Matrix

Curious Matrix

Ritual - person when person dies

Who Was The First Person On Earth To Die?

Have you ever wondered who were the first people on Earth? How did that even work at the beginning? And of course – do we perhaps know who was the first human or first...
Multiple Earth Planets versus One Sun

How Many Earths Can Fit Inside The Sun

The Sun, our star that brings us light and heat needed for our survival has always been topic of fascination among humans. We see it almost every day (depending, of course where we live...
AI Gadgets

Top 5 AI Smart Gadgets That Will Make Your Life Amazing

Here at CuriousMatrix.com, we are passionate about exploring the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is poised to revolutionize our lives. With each passing day, AI technology continues to redefine the...
Person sleeping - what if people didn't need to sleep?

What If Humans Didn’t Need Sleep?

Imagine a world where people no longer needed to sleep, where the 24-hour day was no longer divided into periods of wakefulness and rest. What if we could tap into our full potential without...
TOP 10 AI books

10 Best Books About Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative catalyst, altering the world in unimaginable ways. From autonomous vehicles and AI assistants to AI-assisted healthcare, AI has seamlessly integrated itself into the tapestry of our...
World without Religion? Person praying in church

What If Religion Never Existed?

Religion has shaped societies, cultures, and individual lives for millennia. The origins of religion are as ancient as humanity itself. Early humans looked to the sky, the earth, and the unknown, searching for meaning...
Multiverse - Parallel Universes

Best Non-Fiction Books About Multiverse?

The concept of the multiverse, a theoretical construct featuring an array of parallel universes, each with its own distinct set of physical laws and possibilities, has fascinated the minds of scientists, philosophers, and science...
Parallel universes

10 Must-Read Books About Parallel Universes

Are you ready to escape the confines of reality and delve into the intriguing realm of parallel universes? If you're fascinated by the idea of multiple worlds, time travel, and alternate realities, then you're...
Galaxy and parallel universes

How to Contact Yourself in a Parallel Universe?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to contact yourself in a parallel universe? It's a concept straight out of science fiction, but the idea has captured the imagination of many. In...

How Many Earths Can Fit In Jupiter?

Explore Jupiter's vastness: How many Earths can fit inside this colossal gas giant? Join us in our journey of cosmic discovery.