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Domagoj Pernar

Domagoj Pernar
Book Of Poetry Written by AI

First Book Written By AI About Meaning of Life and Death

I’ve just published my second book called: “The Life: Meaning, Purpose & Death.” However, this time it is something completely different. First, this is a book of poetry. Second and more important, this book...

The World Without Wars, Violence and Weapons?

Is world without weapons and wars possible? What would happen in that kind of world? Can we live without constant wars or are we predetermined for constant conflicts?
Person looking dreamy thinking with black background

Intriguing: Where Do Thoughts Come From?

Thinking is constant. We are all thinking all the time. But who or what creates that process? Let's try to find our more and dive into deep thought process
Person laying in bad with clock on night table

We All Have 24 Hours in a Day? Or Do We?

Every day consists of 24 hours. Everybody knows that. But is it really true. Both from mathematical and time (well) spent perspective.
Lights going fast through dark road representing time machine

Will Time Travel Ever Be Possible?

Have you ever wondered if time travel is realistic or just another thing of fiction? Click here to see if time travel is possible in any way or not.
Person holding his hand on chin trying to remember his thoughts

Where Does A Thought Go When It’s Forgotten?

Have you ever wondered where your daily thoughts go when they are forgotten? Click here to find the answer. It will amaze you.
Person laying on bench with laptop on his knees and book on his head dreaming

Dreams: Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever wondered why we dream? What will happen if we don't dream? Click here as we discuss very exciting things about dreams.
Brain with too much information

Information Overload and Mental Health

Information overload represents big progress in today's times. Too much information affects people negatively in many ways.
Book of Laws - picture taken by Domagoj Pernar

World Without Laws and Rules

By many popular opinions, a world without laws and rules would be a world in a state of almost constant chaos.
Smartphone screen social networks

Social Media Impact On People

Many people in the world, and especially experts in the field, agree that social media is somehow dangerous to society. Yes, the main slogans and catchwords of those exact social media companies are: “We...