Top lists

Top lists of best books, interesting gadgets, famous scientists, smartest people and much more. If you are curious and interested in curated lists (top10, top5) in many different fields of life – you came to the right place.

Whole universe

Top 10 Unanswered Questions About Universe

The universe is still mainly and enigma for us. Despite all the advances in technology and the pretty good amount of knowledge we have gained about the cosmos, there are still many unanswered questions. From...
Two robot heads on the picture: Artificial Intelligence changes on society in 2024

Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Predictions For 2025

Artificial Intelligence is developing so fast that it is becoming rather hard to keep pace. Every day we're witnessing a development of new tool, new possibilities and new ideas of what could AI do. This...
Man with question marks above his head

Biggest Thought-Provoking Philosophical Questions

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. It is a discipline that has been around for thousands of years and has shaped the way humans think about themselves...
Many question marks in many different colors

Top 10 Deepest And Strangest Philosophical Questions

Many smart people are fascinated by philosophy, especially by the questions and answers that philosophy (and philosophers) can offer. One can literally spend their whole life searching for complex answers about life, death, the...
5 humanoid robots side by side

Top 5 Futuristic Humanoid Robots

Humanoid robots are among us, becoming increasingly intelligent and advanced with each passing day. On one hand, the thought of this is terrifying, but at the same time, it's also breathtaking. Namely, it's not difficult to...
Big fat open book with cards flying out of it

Top 5 Best Fiction Books About Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (and robotics) has become a popular topic in recent years, with many books exploring the possibilities and consequences of this technology. Fiction books about artificial intelligence can be especially interesting, but in many...
Statues of Greek Philosophers

Top 5 Most Famous Greek Philosophers

Greek philosophy is certainly one of the most influential intellectual traditions in the world. It has shaped the way we think about ethics, politics, metaphysics, and much more. And while there have been literally hundreds...
Old big tree and sky

Top 10 Oldest Living Things In The World

Is there anything more curious and interesting than ultra-old living things (or organisms) on Earth? Well, luckily, the world is full of amazing living things (or organisms), some of which have been around for thousands...
Black math board with complex equations and books

Top 5 Math Equations & Problems That Have Never Been Solved

Mathematics is an extremely interesting field, even though our schooling system often leads many of us to develop a big dislike for math from an early age. We were taught that we needed to solve...
Gigantic letter

What Is The Longest Piece Of Literature Ever Written?

By some estimates, there are around 129,864,880 books in the world. That's an astonishing number, and as per UNESCO 2.2 million books are published every year. In recent times this number has been growing significantly...