Top lists

Top lists of best books, interesting gadgets, famous scientists, smartest people and much more. If you are curious and interested in curated lists (top10, top5) in many different fields of life – you came to the right place.

Ancient philosopher sitting in library and thinking about meaning and purpose of life

Top 5 Most Controversial Philosophers

Philosophy is never meant to be comfortable. Sometimes it's complicated, sometimes it’s rather weird, but in many cases, it is there to question something...
Brain in a chair

Top 10 Weirdest Explanations of Consciousness

Let's admit it – consciousness is weird. We don’t know what it really is, nor how it works. It is certainly the stuff of mystery,...
Skeleton rising from the neck of human with green suit

Top 10 Weirdest And Creepiest Scientific Facts

Science is supposed to be the world of cold, hard logic—a place where facts rule and superstition dies. But sometimes, the facts themselves are stranger...
Teddy Roosevelt black and white picture

Top 10 Controversial Facts About Teddy Roosevelt

Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was certainly a man full of contradictions and larger-than-life qualities. Most people think of him as a tough, adventurous leader who...
Nikola Tesla in his lab

Biggest Controversial and Interesting Facts About Nikola Tesla

Nowadays, everyone has heard of Nikola Tesla. Many view him as a genius who changed the world with groundbreaking inventions. Nonetheless, some people actually question...
Weird looking book

What Is The Longest Sentence Ever Written?

Writers often like to play with language in many different ways, and one of the most interesting challenges is creating long sentences. Some authors do...
Some kind of artifact depicing earth as a globe mae from metal

Top 10 Mysterious Out-Of-Place Artifacts

Have you ever heard about so-called out-of-place artifacts? If not you're in for a treat. Well, actually you're in for a treat either way because...
many numbers depicting matrix

Top 10 Biggest Anomalies and Glitches That Prove Simulation Theory?

We’ve written a lot about simulation hypothesis and matrix on this platform. Heck, even the word “matrix” is in our name and URL. Therefore this...
Mysterious person without a face with elliptic lights around him

Top 10 Biggest Mysteries of Existence

Our life and our overall existence are full of mysteries. These mysteries range from the origin of the universe to the very nature of...
Whole universe

Top 10 Unanswered Questions About Universe

The universe is still mainly and enigma for us. Despite all the advances in technology and the pretty good amount of knowledge we have...