Top lists

Top lists of best books, interesting gadgets, famous scientists, smartest people and much more. If you are curious and interested in curated lists (top10, top5) in many different fields of life – you came to the right place.

Futuristic science gadget toy

Best Amazing Science Gadgets For Adults

Scientific gadgets are very cool. They look amazing but besides that, their ability to do something scientific and psychically interesting is mind-blowing. Additionally they are useful household items, and they make you wonder. And...
Two robot heads on the picture: Artificial Intelligence changes on society in 2024

Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Predictions For 2024

Artificial Intelligence is developing so fast that it is becoming rather hard to keep pace. Every day we're witnessing a development of new tool, new possibilities and new ideas of what could AI do. This...
Group of philosophers

Philosophers Who Believed in God

Philosophy and religion are sometimes connected, and sometimes very much disconnected. Many philosophers throughout history completely denied the existence of God. On the other hand, there are also philosophers who either believed in God or...

10 Best Must-Read Dystopian Books

At CuriousMatrix, we enjoy exploring dystopian topics from both fictional and non-fictional perspectives, delving into various aspects of the future of our society (World in 2050, World in 1000 Years, Future World). To complement this...
Brain - philosophers who lost their mind

10 Philosophers Who Went Insane

Philosophy is a rather complex topic and most philosophers have complicated minds and personalities. They often dabble with topics about the meaning of life, the true nature of reality, and mathematical and physical concepts...
Best Telescopes Under 200 dollars. Observing nightsky

Best Telescopes Under $200 In 2024

Here at, we love to write about the cosmos and planets. That's why we've put together a list of the best telescopes under $200 to help you get started on your own stargazing...
Best astronomy and space books

Top 10 Best Astronomy & Space Books

Here at, we are passionate about space, astronomy and all related topics both from scientific and fiction perspective. We're constantly producing new articles and thought experiments surrounding mysteries in our universe. Therefore we wanted...
AI Gadgets

Top 5 AI Smart Gadgets That Will Make Your Life Amazing

Here at, we are passionate about exploring the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is poised to revolutionize our lives. With each passing day, AI technology continues to redefine the...
TOP 10 AI books

10 Best Books About Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative catalyst, altering the world in unimaginable ways. From autonomous vehicles and AI assistants to AI-assisted healthcare, AI has seamlessly integrated itself into the tapestry of our...
Multiverse - Parallel Universes

Best Non-Fiction Books About Multiverse?

The concept of the multiverse, a theoretical construct featuring an array of parallel universes, each with its own distinct set of physical laws and possibilities, has fascinated the minds of scientists, philosophers, and science...

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