What Will Happen In Year 9999?

Future humans in capsules

No one can predict the future, but it is incredibly interesting to think about what could happen in a hundred or a thousand years.

It’s even more fascinating to think about the distant future, like 10,000 years or maybe a quintillion years (a thousand raised to the power of six, or 1 followed by 18 zeros) from now. Namely, we really enjoy writing a lot about these kind of topics on this platform, and right now we are particularly intrigued by the number 9999.

This will be the last year of the 10th millennium and it is a special year from many perspectives.

What will really happen by then? Humans might be long gone, or we could be thriving in ways we can’t even picture right now.

So, in that sense, let’s explore some wild scenarios and theories about what might happen in this distant, almost mythical year.

First, let’s start with the obvious one – the calendar.

Gregorian Calendar and Year 9999 (or 10000)

Gregorian calendar and year 9999

The Gregorian calendar, as it is typically used, can handle five-digit years conceptually, but some practical limitations do exist in this system.

Namely, the Gregorian calendar is designed to approximate the solar year (365.2422 days) by using an average year length of 365.2425 days. This results in a very small discrepancy of about 0.0003 days (26 seconds) per year. This does sound small however in thousands of years it might have some implications.

Let’s calculate that:

·  Drift per year: 0.0003 days/year

·  Total years by 9999: 9999−2025 = 7974 years

  • Total drift: 7974 × 0.0003 = 2.3922 days.

However, this is not all. Namely, we need to take into consideration Earth’s orbital changes over time.

So, we have:

  • Tidal Deceleration: Earth’s rotation is slowing due to tidal friction caused by the Moon. This means a day is getting longer over millennia.
  • Axial Tilt and Orbital Changes: Gradual variations in Earth’s tilt and orbit (Milankovitch cycles) slightly affect the length of the year and the equinoxes.

Based on that by the year 9999, these cumulative effects can cause an additional drift of several days. Some studies estimate that over 5-6 days of total offset could occur when accounting for these factors.

And so, finally, by year 9999 we’d face a problem with circa 7 to 8 missing days. But at the end of the day (pun intended), most likely we will not have any kind of calendar by that year. We’ll probably use some kind of completely different system to calculate time.

So far so good. Now let’s take a look at human progress (and inventions) from the last 8-10 thousand years so we can perhaps imagine what will happen by 9999.

Interesting fact: Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 to correct inaccuracies in the older Julian calendar, which had caused the date of Easter to drift over time.

Human Achievements and Inventions

Some kind of big electricity coil

Here is the table of the biggest inventions over the last 10,000 years and possible (far-fetched) future inventions by the year 9999:

Time PeriodMajor InventionFuture Possibility by 9999
~10,000 years agoAgricultureEngineered ecosystems capable of self-regulation and productivity in extreme conditions
~5,000 years agoWritingUniversal telepathic communication, allowing instant thought-sharing across species
15th centuryPrinting PressInstantaneous knowledge transfer via brain-computer interfaces
18th centurySteam EngineAnti-gravity propulsion systems for interstellar travel
Late 19th centuryElectricityUnlimited energy harnessed from dark matter or zero-point fields
20th centuryInternetInter-universal connectivity, linking realities or dimensions
21st centuryQuantum ComputingDirect manipulation of the fabric of space-time to reshape reality
Mid-21st century (predicted)Artificial IntelligenceConscious AI capable of creativity and emotional depth
22nd century (predicted)Genetic EngineeringComplete eradication of disease and tailored biological enhancements
~9999 (future)Zero. We destroy ourselves and the planet.

Now, will we achieve all of those or none – no one can say with certainty but it is interesting to speculate.

The first factor that we need to take into consideration (and the most important factor) is – us humans. Will we still be here or will we destroy ourselves?

Humanity in the Year 9999: Still Around or Long Gone?

Human Eye - Blue

By 9999, humanity could actually be a faint memory, wiped out by war, disease, or cosmic catastrophe. On the other hand, we might have adapted and spread across the stars, living as a multi-planetary species.

Imagine cities floating in the clouds of Jupiter or civilizations thriving in artificial habitats orbiting distant suns.

One question is rather important – would humans even look the same? Bioengineering might create a species so advanced we wouldn’t recognize ourselves in them.

Already today, many things are possible with bioengineering and gene modifications. In year 9999 we will most likely be able to change absolutely everything on (and inside) our bodies.

Maybe we’ll have ditched physical bodies entirely and live as digital beings inside an eternal simulation. Or perhaps we’re already doing that? By THAT we mean – living inside simulation…

Interesting fact: Scientists estimate the Earth has about 5 billion years left before the sun swells into a red giant.

A World Run by AI?

Humanoid steel robot standing

If artificial intelligence continues to advance (and it will), it could rule absolutely everything by 9999—or maybe even destroy itself in the process.

Try to picture a world where AI decides humans are obsolete and creates its own bizarre civilization. Would AI “life” look like a shiny techno-utopia, or would it resemble a complete dystopian nightmare?

Alternatively, what if AI becomes self-aware (and it most likely will) and decides it doesn’t want to “work” anymore? Imagine a world where AI systems collectively go on some kind of strike, refusing to manage power grids, climate controls, or anything else for that matter.

In that case, humans might be forced to rediscover ancient skills, living in neo-tribal societies while surrounded by AI remnants.

With the current rate of advancement, nothing is impossible.

Namely, you all probably heard about the popular term – Moore’s law.

Interesting fact: The oldest-known analog computer, the Antikythera mechanism, is over 2,000 years old. By 9999, we will most certainly view today’s strongest Artificial Intelligence as an ancient relic.

Moore’s Law and Year 9999?

Computer chip close up view

Everyone born in the 1980s can probably remember old brick phones (Nokia 3310 anyone?), and computers with big towers and monitors weighing 10-20 kg (22-44 pounds).

Also, everyone then suddenly started to witness how computers are becoming much more powerful each year while also getting a lot smaller.

Part of this phenomenon is described by Moore’s Law, which assumes that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years.

So based on that, we can do some basic math to see a potential increase in computing power by year 9999:

  • Computing power doubles every 2 years.
  • From 2025 to 9999, there are 7974 years.
  • Number of doublings: 7974 / 2 = 3987.

Thus, the increase in computational power is: P=23987.

That’s a huge number. Very huge!

Namely, that’s a number with more than 1000 digits. And that basically means that with that power we would be able to run multiple simulations of multiple words.


That is, of course, if someone else is not running those simulations already as we described in our article – What Are Ancestor Simulations?

However, even if that is the case already, that does not negate the possibility that simulators run additional sub-simulations.

Interesting times ahead, huh?

Indeed, however, we need to slow down and return to more “Earthly“ things.

What About Climate?

Weather night sky with weird colors

By the year 9999, Earth’s climate could be either wildly unpredictable, stay mostly the same as it is now — or perhaps entirely controlled by humans.

Just try to imagine that kind of Earth – where humans completely mastered weather control.

Need snow in July? Done. Want a tropical storm to water your farm? No problem.

But interfering with the planet could also come with HUGE unintended consequences. We could be potentially doing something BIG (in a negative way), not knowing what could happen.

Or even we could lead wars with weather control. For example, what if a global weather war breaks out, with nations launching hurricanes and tornadoes at each other?

And on an even stranger note, what if Earth’s natural systems evolve into something completely unrecognizable?

Perhaps the oceans turn neon green due to bioengineered algae, or the sky changes color because of atmospheric manipulation. Really, everything could happen especially knowing that people started experimenting with weather control in as early as the 1950s. And who knows, perhaps even earlier.

Well, then just try to imagine what we will be doing by year 9999.

Interesting fact: Venus was once thought to have Earth-like conditions but became a burned wasteland due to a runaway greenhouse effect. Earth could face a similar fate—or we might save it with technology.

Alien Contact?

Aliens looking at Earth

If we’re still here in 9999, chances are we’d encounter extraterrestrial life—or they would have encountered us. And maybe these aliens will be friendly, sharing advanced technologies and philosophies. With us.

But perhaps they will see us as pests, wiping us out to preserve their own interests.

Here’s a weirder idea: What if aliens won’t notice us at all?

Imagine humanity shouting into the void for millennia, only to find out advanced civilizations don’t bother with species as primitive as ours. They could perhaps see us as we „see“ different microorganisms.

And what if we’re THE aliens? Namely, by 9999, humans might have colonized so many planets that our descendants would look like the extraterrestrials of sci-fi stories.

Interesting fact: In 1977, the “Wow! Signal” gave us a hint of potential extraterrestrial life. However, we’ve never been able to confirm its origin

Will We Achieve Immortality?

Person from behind with lights around him

By 9999, death might really be optional. Advances in medicine, genetics, and technology could allow people to live indefinitely (or for long long time).

Imagine choosing to “reset” your age every century, trading wisdom (or money) for youthful vigor.

But first, let’s talk about what immortality could mean. Does it mean stopping aging? Curing all diseases? Or could it mean uploading our minds to a computer?

These are big questions, but let’s focus on biological immortality—keeping the body alive and healthy forever.

Right now, science is making big progress in that category. We’ve learned how to edit genes using tools like CRISPR. Scientists can already fix some genetic diseases.

In the future, they might repair or rewrite parts of our DNA to stop aging. But this is not an easy task. It’s very complicated. Namely, aging isn’t caused by just one gene. It’s like an enormous puzzle with millions of pieces.

Another breakthrough is in cell regeneration. Every time our cells divide, their telomeres—protective caps at the ends of DNA—get shorter. When they’re too short, cells stop dividing and die.

Some researchers think they can stop this process or even reverse it. They’re also working on removing old, damaged cells to keep our bodies younger.

Well, we’re getting closer and closer. Repairing DNA, and regenerating cells – this all leads to one way – slowing down aging.

Nanotechnology could also play a role. Tiny machines, called nanobots, might one day completely repair cells, remove toxins, and fight diseases at the molecular level.

And yes, these ideas do sound like science fiction, but early versions of nanomedicine already exist. However, one thing that could actually solve all these problems and speed up the research brutally is artificial intelligence.

AI is already solving ultra-complex problems faster than humans can. It could map the human body down to the smallest detail. This could lead to solving aging equation or even help us upload our consciousness into machines.

Looking at the timeline, full immortality seems unlikely in the next 100 years. The science is just not there yet.

But in the next 1,000 years? Maybe. By 9999? The odds are high. We have already made incredible progress with regards to aging. In the last 200 years, life expectancy has doubled in many parts of the world.

Based on that it sounds plausible that we could achieve immortality in the next 8,000 years. And if not immortality then certainly slow down aging rapidly.

How rapidly?

Well, we could be 99.99999% certain that humans will, on average, live more than 200 years by the year 9999. That is, of course – if we do not destroy ourselves and the planet before that. And there are also good chances for that to happen.

Interesting fact: Jellyfish species like Turritopsis dohrnii are biologically immortal, capable of reverting to earlier stages of life. Nature might already have the secrets we’re chasing.

Society in 9999?

City of the future aerial view

What will culture look like in 9999? Will people still celebrate birthdays, watch sports, and argue over politics? Or will those things vanish entirely, replaced by new customs we can’t even begin to imagine?

Here’s an interesting thought: What if humans develop telepathy through technology? Governments might outlaw verbal speech, leading to “thought crimes” where stray ideas land people in trouble.

Also, privacy could become completely obsolete, and society might function more like a hive mind.

Or consider a world where everyone wears masks—not because of disease, but as a cultural norm.

Identities could become fluid, with people swapping appearances and genders as easily as changing clothes.

Well, we’ve already started to witness something similar in recent years, haven’t we?

What if this „woke“ movement is the start of something extremely big (in a negative way), that will perhaps only fully materialize in thousands of years?

Interesting fact: Some ancient cultures believed masks held spiritual power. In 9999, masks might hold technological power, projecting holographic faces or translating emotions into light patterns. What about that, huh?

Future Languages

Three globes representing three global languages

By the year 9999, languages as we know them might be entirely different—or possibly obsolete. As we’ve written in our article titled “Will The World Ever Speak One Language,” current trends already point toward fewer languages as globalization drives the dominance of a few major ones like English, Mandarin, and Spanish.

In nearly 8,000 years, we might see one universal language emerge, completely blending elements from many tongues into a single, efficient system.

However, with the rise of advanced technology, spoken and written language might actually completely disappear.

Imagine communication without words—where ideas, emotions, and concepts are shared instantly through neural connections or brain-computer interfaces.

If we already started implanting chips in people today, then it is almost inevitable that one day we will communicate only via these brain implants/chips.

And What About the Music?

Some kind of neuro brain connections

Thousands of years ago, music began with simple sounds: the beating of drums, the blowing of flutes, and the human voice. These early forms were deeply connected to nature and used to celebrate life, death, and rituals.

In ancient Greece and other early civilizations, music theory was born, with philosophers like Pythagoras studying the relationship between notes and frequencies. Even back then, people recognized that music was more than just entertainment—it was a science that influenced mood, health, and even the stars.

Fast forward to the 20th century, and music shifted dramatically. Electronic instruments like synthesizers and drum machines completely changed the sound. Today’s music—EDM, house, trance—often feels like a return to the primal energy of rhythmic beats but reimagined with precision electronics.

This transition in one way reflects our fascination with frequencies and their effects on the human brain. Namely, studies have shown that certain frequencies, like 432 Hz or binaural beats, can relax or energize listeners, creating physiological changes.

And so, by 9999, music might completely transcend our current understanding of sound. With technological advancements, humans could perceive frequencies beyond the audible range (20 Hz to 20 kHz) or even experience music as vibrations, colors, or feelings directly fed into the brain.

For example, here’s what music might look—or feel—like in 9999:

  1. Direct Neural Music: Instead of speakers, music could be transmitted directly to the brain. This would allow for perfect customization: every listener could tailor the rhythm, tempo, and style to their exact preference.
  2. Frequency Therapy: Music might not just entertain—it could heal. Advanced science might allow frequencies to cure disease, relieve pain, or even alter consciousness.
  3. Music Without Sound: Advanced beings might communicate in pure energy or thought, creating “songs” that are felt as profound emotions or seen as cascading patterns of light.
Interesting fact: Sound waves can move objects and even destroy cancer cells in modern experiments. By the year 9999, music might literally shape the physical world—creating structures or healing bodies in ways we can't yet imagine. That is, of course, assuming pharmaceutical companies allow it to happen. 😊

And so, at the end let’s try to imagine some weird, but perhaps probable scenarios that could happen by year 9999.

Because why not, strange and weird (yet possible) scenarios are always the most interesting ones.

10 Weird but Possible Scenarios for the Year 9999

Two brains connected through Earth planet
  1. Humans Evolve Into a Hive Mind:
    Technology allows all human brains to connect into a single, collective consciousness. Individuality fades, replaced by a “global brain” where thoughts and knowledge are shared instantly. Privacy and solitude? Gone.
  2. Earth Becomes a Single Mega-City:
    The entire planet is covered in a continuous urban sprawl. Oceans are bridged or converted into artificial lakes, while the atmosphere is regulated by technology to sustain a city-world population.
  3. Resurrection Becomes Real:
    Advanced genetic technology allows humanity to “resurrect” historical figures using preserved DNA.
  4. Time Travel Becomes Accessible:
    By mastering the fabric of space-time, humans might create technology to visit the past or future. Time tourism becomes a new industry—but tampering with history is strictly forbidden (or is it?).
  5. Humans Merge With Animals:
    Genetic enhancements allow humans to acquire traits from animals, like wings for flying, the agility of cheetahs, or the regenerative abilities of salamanders. Over time, the lines between species blur.
  6. Earth’s Gravity Is Artificially Adjusted:
    To create a “perfect” climate or accommodate new technologies, humanity learns to manipulate Earth’s gravity. This could include changing the planet’s rotation or even its orbit around the sun.
  7. Reality TV in Simulated Universes:
    Entertainment evolves into creating entire simulated universes where participants live out alternate lives. Viewers (original humans) watch the drama unfold as if it’s a cosmic soap opera, with no actors—just simulations.
  8. Humans Gain Control Over Dark Matter:
    After unlocking the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, humanity uses it to bend the laws of physics. Interstellar travel becomes as routine as flying across countries today. Planets are moved, stars are stabilized, and galaxies are reshaped.
  9. Artificial Suns Light Up the Night:
    Humans construct artificial stars in orbit around Earth to ensure 24/7 daylight in specific regions. These “synthetic suns” could be turned off or dimmed as needed, erasing nighttime altogether in certain parts of the world.
  10.  Stars Are Turned Into Power Stations:
    Humanity learns to harness the energy of entire stars using Dyson Spheres—massive structures built around suns to capture their output. The Milky Way becomes a power grid for civilizations across galaxies.

Bonus: Humans Abandon Physical Bodies Entirely

Humans in capsules like in movie matrix

The ultimate evolution: humans upload their consciousness into indestructible machines or pure energy forms, transcending the need for bodies, food, or anything for that matter.

Well, that would be something else…

Now, we might have an overactive imagination and exaggerate potential possibilities and scenarios. But we truly cannot know.
We cannot know how quickly things might begin to unfold if, with the help of an all-knowing AI, we discover incredible new materials, laws of physics, sources of energy, and the secrets of the entire universe.

Humans, in reality, cannot grasp the concept of exponential growth, just as they cannot fully comprehend the concept of exponential system collapse.
So, in the future, there are most likely only two options: either exponential growth in knowledge, progress, and everything else, or exponential or accelerated collapse of everything, including ourselves.