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Big questions

Big questions about life, world, future of humanity and various social problems.

Matrix subway

How Is Life Repetitive?

Are we all living in our little matrixes? How is our behavior ruled by different social patterns? It seems that most people are stuck in a matrix.
Evolution - people and monkeys walking on sidewalk

Future Evolution Of Humans?

People often like to say how we evolved from monkeys and that monkeys are our great ancestors. Per evolution theory, this is not exactly right, while it has some contextual sense. Namely, different species...
Old lady sitting on stairs

Pensions Will Not Exist In The Future!

We all know the big story. You are born, you go to kindergarten, you go to school, to university, then you start your career, and then after several years or decades, you start dreaming...
Modern Human in 1000 years

What Will Humans Look Like In 1000 Years?

Discover the fascinating possibilities of future human appearance. Explore potential advancements in genetics, technology, and evolution.
Futuristic City

What Will The World Look Like In 100 Years?

Have you ever wondered - what will the world look like in 100 years? All of us reading this text will not be alive, nonetheless, the question remains somewhere in the back of our...
Person laying on bench with laptop on his knees and book on his head dreaming

Dreams: Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever wondered why we dream? What will happen if we don't dream? Click here as we discuss very exciting things about dreams.
Medieval time 1000 years ago

What Was Life Like 1000 Years Ago?

In today’s world where technological advancements and the hustle and bustle of modern life have become the norm, it's often fascinating to take a step back and ponder what life was like a thousand...
Multiple dimensions in space

How Many Dimensions Are There In The Universe?

In physics, dimensions describe the universe's structure, with theories proposing from three to possibly infinite dimensions, but lacking empirical evidence.
City of the future above clouds

What Will Life Look Like In 1000 Years?

We all want to know our future. But what will life look like in the next 1000 years? Have you ever thought about it?

What Will The Future Look Like?

Explore the Future: From Technology Trends and Challenges to Longevity and Existential Questions. Discover how innovation shapes what's to come.