Where Did All Matter Come From?
The origin of matter is really a perplexing subject. Where did it all come from? How did the universe come into existence?
These are the...
What Are We Really Doing On Earth?
Have you ever deeply wondered about the meaning of our existence on this planet? Does there even exist any meaning to our existence? Do...
What Will Humans Look Like In 1 Million Years?
Most certainly, in 1 million years humans will look differently than today. That is – of course if we will still be alive as...
What Will Happen In 2030? A Look Into The Future!
By 2030, the world will most certainly have undergone significant changes, both in terms of technology and culture.
Namely, the rapid advancement of technology will...
What Will Sex Robots Do to Humanity?
Sex robots or sex dolls will become a regular part of society. Unfortunately, it seems inevitable. Is this good or bad for humanity and society?
When And How Will Humans Go Extinct?
Humans, despite significant advancements, face numerous potential extinction possibilities, including natural disasters, diseases, and wars.
Social Media Impact On Society And Mental Health
Many people in the world, and especially experts in the field, agree that social media is somehow dangerous to society. Yes, the main slogans...
How Many Dimensions Are There In The Universe?
In physics, dimensions describe the universe's structure, with theories proposing from three to possibly infinite dimensions, but lacking empirical evidence.
What Will The World Look Like In 100 Years?
Have you ever wondered - what will the world look like in 100 years? All of us reading this text will not be alive,...
When Will The World End? The Ultimate Guide!
The question of when the world will end is always somewhere at the back of our heads. We are by our nature (well most...