Home Fast and curious

Fast and curious

Quick curious thoughts about everything. Fun and interesting facts, unknown about known. Known about unknown. If you’re curious – you’ll find answers here.

Person sitting in front of computer screen with weird phrases on monitor

When AI Starts Hallucinating – An Example of Pure Chaos

Artificial intelligence is constantly portrayed as an all-knowing oracle, a tool that can analyze, predict, and generate almost everything. Heck, it can even create...
Modern smartphones on the white table

What Will Smartphones Look Like in the Future?

Remember when phones were just for calling? Those somewhat heavy devices with actual buttons? Nokia 3310, Alcatel OneTouch Easy, Motorola RAZR, BlackBerry Pearl, and...
Pascals Wager quadrant

Pascal’s Wager Comprehensive Explanation

Ever been to Vegas? Try to picture this: you walk into some kind of cosmic casino. No slot machines. No poker tables. Just a...
Artificial Intelligence God trapeze swinger for the people

Roko’s Basilisk Ultra Comprehensive Explanation!

Here at CuriousMatrix.com, we love exploring topics like artificial intelligence, the simulation hypothesis, strange scenarios, and, most of all, various thought experiments. And the...
Mysterious person ChatGPT

Who Is David Mayer And Why Won’t ChatGPT Say His Name?

David Mayer de Rothschild is a British adventurer, ecologist, and heir of the famous Rothschild banking family. He was born into wealth and privilege,...
Dark Matter in space

What Would Happen If Dark Matter And Antimatter Collided?

When I first heard about dark matter and antimatter, I thought they were just fancy terms scientists made up to sound smart. But the...
Person laying in bad with clock on night table

We All Have 24 Hours in a Day? Or Do We?

Every day consists of 24 hours. Everybody knows that. But is it really true. Both from mathematical and time (well) spent perspective.
Dreaming alternate realities

What If Dreams Are Alternate Reality?

Try to picture this: you fall asleep, going into a world that feels just as real as the one you left behind. You find...
Person standing in library and his face covered blurred in red color

What If Someone Doesn’t Have Last Name?

Have you ever met someone without a last name? It might seem like an extremely rare or even impossible situation, but for some people,...
Some kind of weird earthquake machine in the lab

Nikola Tesla: Unrealized Ingenious Projects

We all know that Nikola Tesla is recognized for his amazing work in electricity and magnetism, however many of his ambitious and ingenious projects...