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Fast and curious

Quick curious thoughts about everything. Fun and interesting facts, unknown about known. Known about unknown. If you’re curious – you’ll find answers here.

How Many Earths Can Fit In Jupiter?

Explore Jupiter's vastness: How many Earths can fit inside this colossal gas giant? Join us in our journey of cosmic discovery.
Multiple Earth Planets versus One Sun

How Many Earths Can Fit Inside The Sun

The Sun, our star that brings us light and heat needed for our survival has always been topic of fascination among humans. We see it almost every day (depending, of course where we live...
Person laying in bad with clock on night table

We All Have 24 Hours in a Day? Or Do We?

Every day consists of 24 hours. Everybody knows that. But is it really true. Both from mathematical and time (well) spent perspective.
Asteroid in space

What Will Happen To Earth In 2029? Looming Catastrophe?

In 2029, Earth will experience a rare cosmic event that has scientists and astronomers around the world excited. On April 13th of that year, the asteroid Apophis will come closer to our planet than...
James Webb Telescope - JWST

Has The James Webb Space Telescope Already Found Life?

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space observatory that was launched in December 2021. Its mission is to study the universe's first galaxies, stars, and planets, and to search for signs of...
IQ Brain with many light bulbs

Smartest Person Who Ever Lived

Here at CuriousMatrix.com, we really enjoy exploring topics related to intelligence and exceptionally smart minds. We've discussed the Smartest Person Alive, the Top 10 Smartest People in the World, and the Top 10 People with...
Person head surrounded with icons suggesting mind reading

Will People Be Able To Read Thoughts In The Future

Advances in neuroscience and AI could lead to mind-reading technologies, but there are still significant challenges and ethical concerns. Current brain-computer interfaces and other methods show promise but are in early development stages, with potential future implications for privacy and communication.
Infographic Evolution of Humans & Primates

Infographic Timeline Of Human Evolution

The timeline of human evolution is a rather interesting but complex subject. It is a story that basically begins with with the earliest known primates, such as Dryomomys and continues through the evolution of...

Top 5 Weird And Curious Thoughts

Humans are always curious about something. Well most of us surely. Those thoughts are sometimes about daily life, sometimes about some events in the future, but sometimes our thoughts develop in weird and curious...
People sitting at the table with glass prediction ball

Did Anyone Predict The Internet?

The internet has revolutionized the way people communicate, work, and access information. Basically, it has influenced almost everything in this world. It has become an integral part of modern life, but did anyone predict its...