Fast and curious

Quick curious thoughts about everything. Fun and interesting facts, unknown about known. Known about unknown. If you’re curious – you’ll find answers here.

People sitting at the table with glass prediction ball

Did Anyone Predict The Internet?

The internet has revolutionized the way people communicate, work, and access information. Basically, it has influenced almost everything in this world. It has become an integral part of modern life, but did anyone predict its...

Who Can Travel The World Without Passport?

Almost everyone in the world is probably well acquainted with the document called passport. As per Merriam Webster dictionary  passport is a formal document issued by an authorized official of a country to one...
Bizarre weird strange woman applying black lipstick in dark room

10 Weird New Year’s Traditions Around The World

Every country in this world celebrates New Year one way or another. Out of 195 countries in the world today, almost every country have different customs and traditions with regards to New Year's celebrations. Most...
Astronaut in space

What Happens If You Get Lost In Space?

As technology advances, the possibility of space tourism and exploration will most certainly become a reality. However, with this excitement comes the potential for danger. Namely, one of the risks associated with space travel is...
James Webb Telescope - JWST

Has The James Webb Space Telescope Already Found Life?

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space observatory that was launched in December 2021. Its mission is to study the universe's first galaxies, stars, and planets, and to search for signs of...
Printing press - food propaganda

How Propaganda Influences Our Food Choices

What we eat everyday is rather important. But are we consciously considering our food choices? Or, are our choices influenced by media and propaganda?
Galaxy and parallel universes

How to Contact Yourself in a Parallel Universe?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to contact yourself in a parallel universe? It's a concept straight out of science fiction, but the idea has captured the imagination of many. In...
Empty universe in the future

What Will Happen In 1000000000000000000000000000000 Years?

In the grand scheme of things, a billion years is just a drop in the bucket. But what about a trillion years? Or a quadrillion?  What will happen in a quintillion years? What will...
Drawing - person brain smartest IQ

Who Is The Smartest Person Alive?

Determining who is the smartest person alive is rather complex and in many cases subjective task. Most people know someone who is very intelligent, yet intelligence of that person probably could not fit into...
Earth as an ancestor simulation. Simulation hypothesis. Multiverse

What Are Ancestor Simulations?

Ancestor simulations are a topic of highest interest in the fields of philosophy, computer science, and science fiction. Especially in the last 10-20 years. The concept of ancestor simulations is based on the idea...

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