First Book Written By AI About Meaning of Life and Death
I’ve just published my second book called: “The Life: Meaning, Purpose & Death.” However, this time it is something completely different. First, this is...
10 Weird New Year’s Traditions Around The World
Every country in this world celebrates New Year one way or another. Out of 195 countries in the world today, almost every country have...
How Propaganda Influences Our Food Choices
What we eat everyday is rather important. But are we consciously considering our food choices? Or, are our choices influenced by media and propaganda?
Will Time Travel Ever Be Possible?
Have you ever wondered if time travel is realistic or just another thing of fiction? Click here to see if time travel is possible in any way or not.
Where Does A Thought Go When It’s Forgotten?
Have you ever wondered where your daily thoughts go when they are forgotten? Click here to find the answer. It will amaze you.
Simulation Theory: Are We A Part Of It Or Not?
Are you wondering whether we live in a simulation theory or not? If so, click here as I get you the most detailed answer ever.
Information Overload and Mental Health
Information overload represents big progress in today's times. Too much information affects people negatively in many ways.
Can We Prove That We’re Living in a Simulation?
These days almost everyone knows something about
simulation hypothesis. But decades ago, it wasn't the case. Perhaps only a few
philosophers or scientists thought about this...
Top 5 Weird And Curious Thoughts
Humans are always curious about something. Well most of us surely. Those thoughts are sometimes about daily life, sometimes about some events in the...