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Top lists of best books, interesting gadgets, famous scientists, smartest people and much more. If you are curious and interested in curated lists (top10, top5) in many different fields of life – you came to the right place.

Mystic person with orange brain in front of black hole in universe

Top 10 Scariest Thought Experiments Ever

We've discussed many thought experiments on our platform. We've shared those that have become reality and explored numerous other interesting thought experiments in detail. However,...
Person sitting in the dark with quesiton mark above his head

10 Thought Experiments That Have Become Reality

Picture this: you're sitting in a cozy armchair, lost in thought. Suddenly, an idea pops into your head. It's wild and impossible idea. But...
Human and robot facing each other

Top 10 Must-Read Books On Singularity

One would think that singularity is a new term. However, that is not the case. Namely, the term was popularized by mathematician John von...
Religion symbols church

Top 10 Oldest Religions In The World

Worldwide, around eight in ten people today identify with some form of religious group. And it has always been this way—most people find comfort...
Many different galaxies in the universe

Top 10 Largest Galaxies In The Universe

We really don't know how many galaxies are there in the universe. However, estimates suggest that there are around two trillion of them in...
Quantum physics book

Must-Read Easy-to-Understand Books About Quantum Physics

Quantum physics often feels like something brutally complicated and perhaps from another world. But some books actually break it down into digestible ideas for...
Person in dark alley carying briefcase with Bitcoin sign

Top 10 Potential People That Could Be Satoshi Nakamoto

We still don't know who is Satoshi Nakamoto. Isn't this kind of amazing and weird? Namely, as most people know by now, Satoshi is the...
Person with virtual glasses looking at 2025 sign

The Future Unveiled: 10 Bold Predictions for 2025

The future is coming at us rather fast, and 2025 might just be one of the most transformative years in recent history. Think about...
Ancient stone newspaper

Top 10 Oldest Newspapers in History

Standard newspapers are slowly dying out. As we all know, in today's world, only a few people still go to the store to buy...
Magic land empire of the world

Top 10 Longest Lasting Empires In History

In today's modern world, having in mind all the hectic things happening everywhere, it’s natural to wonder if we’re witnessing the beginning of the...