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What if

What IF hypothetical questions about the world and society – imagining a particular situation and answering what would happen if that imaginary situation really happened.

Cold-blooded man and woman

What If Humans Were Cold-Blooded?

In the realm of speculative biology, numerous "what if" scenarios can spark our imagination and challenge our understanding of the natural world. One such thought experiment revolves around the question: What would happen if...
Pigeon drinking water

What Would Happen If Water Disappeared On Earth

We can not live without water. Most animals can not live without water. But what would happen without it? Could something survive?
Upper female body with black background

What If Everyone Was Naked

In today's world we are all used to wearing clothes. But what would happen in society without clothes?
Jupiter planet

What Would Happen If Jupiter Disappeared?

Discover the cosmic consequences if Jupiter vanished. Explore its impact on our solar system, Earth, space exploration, and humanity.
Soccer ball on the green field

What If There Was No Offside Rule in Soccer (Football)?

Football (soccer) is the most popular sports game in the world. It has more than 3.5 billion fans around the globe. Interestingly enough, some parts of Earth call it football while others call it...
Cables connected to server

What Would Happen If Internet Stopped Working?

Modern society is relying on Internet for everything. Almost nothing can work properly without it. But what would really happen in case of internet shut down.
Old man

What If Humans Were Immortal?

In the realm of science fiction and human imagination, the concept of immortality has always held a profound fascination. Countless books, movies, and philosophical discussions have pondered the idea of eternal life. But what...
Frozen white planet

What Would Happen If The Sun Disappeared?

If the sun were to suddenly disappear, life on Earth would be drastically affected. The sun is the center of our solar system, and its gravitational pull keeps the planets in orbit. Without the sun's...
Female person showing on blackboard representing intelligent species

What If Another Advanced Species Existed

Two intelligent species on the same planet. How would they behave? Could they live peacefully together? Find out in this astonishing and mysterious article.
White and Black Moon With Black Skies and Body of Water Photography during Night Time

What Would Happen If The Moon Disappeared?

Earth and Moon have symbiotic relationship. But what would happen if this relationship breaks? Would we survive on Earth without our Moon?