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What if

What IF hypothetical questions about the world and society – imagining a particular situation and answering what would happen if that imaginary situation really happened.

Cables connected to server

What Would Happen If Internet Stopped Working?

Modern society is relying on Internet for everything. Almost nothing can work properly without it. But what would really happen in case of internet shut down.
Person falling inside black hole

What Would Happen If You Fell Into A Black Hole?

Explore the mysteries of black holes in our latest article. Learn about their formation, spaghettification, and the intriguing Hawking radiation.
One person alone standing at the beach

What Would Happen If Everyone Stopped Having Children?

Having children, procreating, reproducing, bringing babies to the world – use whatever expression you wish, but we can all agree that this activity is the most important for sustainability of humanity. Without new people...
Phytoplankton in oceans

What Would Happen If Phytoplankton Went Extinct?

Many people have never heard the word "phytoplankton," yet it is a very important word and one of the most important organisms on Earth. Namely, phytoplankton are rather small, actually microscopic plant-like organisms, but they...
Earth Desk Globe Against Black Background

What Would Happen If The Earth Stopped Spinning?

Around 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system took shape. It all began with a vast cloud of dust and hydrogen gas that started collapsing, resulting in the flattening and spinning of the dust...
Depressed worker - what if everyone stopped working

What If Everyone Stopped Working?

Explore the hypothetical consequences of a world without work: from economic turmoil to societal transformation. How would society survive without work?
Person floating without gravity with helmet on black background

What Would Happen If Gravity Disappeared?

Is gravity the main force that keeps everything in order in universe? Could we live without it?
Human in nature with pink tail

What If Humans Had Tails?

Let’s say it immediately - if humans had tails, our lives would be drastically different. From an evolutionary perspective, tails were present in our primate ancestors and served a variety of functions, such as aiding...

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