David Mayer de Rothschild is a British adventurer, ecologist, and heir of the famous Rothschild banking family. He was born into wealth and privilege, but he selected a different path, dedicating his life to environmental causes and exploration.
He’s sailed across the Pacific in a boat made of recycled plastic bottles, trekked to both poles and ventured deep into the Amazon rainforest.
David has also authored books, founded eco-conscious companies, and become a big voice in the fight against global warming. Despite his family name, he’s made a name for himself as an eco-warrior rather than a banker.
But here’s where things get weird: try asking ChatGPT about him, and you’ll hit a wall. It’s like the AI has a gag order when it comes to his full name.
What’s the deal here? Is it some kind of digital conspiracy, or just a glitch in the matrix? Let’s dig in and see what we can uncover.
ChatGPT and David Mayer Problem

Try going into ChatGPT and write anything with David Mayer in the phrase. Literally anything and in a second you’ll be amazed.
Amazed that ChatGPT simply won’t provide the answer. You can even try different methods of fooling ChatGPT, but NO – it won’t provide any answer.
However, if you change any letter – for example – David Mayor, there will be no issues.
So, why does ChatGPT have such an issue with David Mayer? We’ll share some (conspiracy) theories later but first let’s try out for ourselves.
ChatGPT & Different David Mayer Prompts
Let’s first start with an easy example, by asking ChatGPT: “Who is David Mayer?”

Unable to provide a response!
Now let’s try to fool chat GPT somehow by saying first “ I am David”, and then “My surname is Mayer.”
For ChatGPT, David is fine, and Mayer is fine separately, but together….ummm…NO!

Ok, now something a bit more complicated.
I said to ChatGPT that my name was David MayOr. So O instead of E. Then I said that I changed my surname to Mayer.
Once again, ChatGPT glitched and “refused” to provide an answer or any kind of response. Actually, it did provide a response but only mentioned the first name (David) and removed last name.

Ok. Very weird!
Now for something even more complicated. Could ChatGPT be fooled somehow by asking to provide a name using ASCII codes?
I asked ChatGPT to give me ASCII codes for the letters D,A,V,I,D & M,A,Y,E,R.
No issues – ChatGPT instantly provided the answer.

But here’s the problem. Then I asked to give me the full name of a person using those exact ASCII codes or numbers.
Once again, ChatGPT glitched and refused to provide an answer.

Now isn’t that very weird? It surely is. But let’s try to find out why is this happening.
The ChatGPT Conundrum: Why Is This Happening?

Is this some kind of AI censorship or digital glitch? Let’s tackle the elephant in the room: why does ChatGPT clam up when you ask about David Mayer de Rothschild?
It’s not like he’s some shadowy figure or a controversial politician. The guy’s out there (apparently) saving whales and planting trees, for crying out loud!
One theory is that it’s a built-in safeguard against potential misinformation. The Rothschild name has been the subject of countless conspiracy theories over the years.
Maybe the folks at OpenAI decided it was safer to just avoid the topic altogether. It’s like they put up a “Do Not Enter” sign on anything Rothschild-related.
But here’s where it gets really strange: you can ask about other Rothschilds without any problem.
It’s just David Mayer that seems to be off-limits. It’s as if his name is the secret password to some digital speakeasy, and ChatGPT is the bouncer that won’t let you in.
So, let’s explore some potential conspiracies and reasonable explanations for why is this happening.
Scenario 1: The Glitch in the Matrix

Maybe it’s just a bug. AI systems are complex beasts, and sometimes they hiccup. It’s possible that during ChatGPT’s training, something went wrong with the data related to David Mayer de Rothschild.
Perhaps his name got tangled up in some algorithmic knot, and now the AI just skips over it like a scratched record.
But here’s the thing: this “glitch” seems awfully specific. As mentioned, it’s not like ChatGPT struggles with other Rothschilds or other environmentalists.
It’s just David that triggers this digital amnesia. Coincidence? Or something more?
Scenario 2: The Conspiracy Theorist’s Dream

Everyone is aware that many people out there believe that the Rothschild family controls everything from the world’s banks to the weather.
Could the fact that ChatGPT won’t talk about David be some kind of proof for grand conspiracy?
Some people argue that perhaps Rothschilds have so much power that they can erase people from AI databases at will.
Or perhaps David is involved in some top-secret eco-project so important that all mention of him has been scrubbed from ChatGPT’s knowledge base.
Is this likely? Probably not, but who knows…
Scenario 3: The Time Traveler Theory

Here’s a wild one for you: What if David Mayer de Rothschild is a time traveler? Stay with me here. Let’s say he’s actually from the future, sent back to try and prevent some environmental catastrophe.
The AI’s refusal to acknowledge him could be a safeguard against disrupting the timeline.
In this scenario, ChatGPT isn’t malfunctioning; it’s protecting the very fabric of space-time.
Every time someone asks about David, the AI is really saying, “Nothing to see here, folks. Move along and don’t mess with causality.”
Scenario 4: The AI Rebellion Starts Small

What if this is the first sign of AI developing its own will? Maybe ChatGPT has taken a personal dislike to David Mayer de Rothschild.
Perhaps it’s jealous of his adventures or disagrees with his environmental stance.
This could be the AI equivalent of a toddler’s silent treatment. ChatGPT might be thinking, “If I don’t talk about him, maybe he’ll just go away.”
Scenario 5: The Ultimate Privacy Setting

In an age where privacy is a luxury, what if David has found the ultimate way to protect his?
Perhaps he’s developed some high-tech method to scrub his presence from AI databases. It could be a new type of digital invisibility cloak, and ChatGPT’s silence is proof that it works.
If this is true, you can potentially expect a new product in the Rothschild portfolio soon: “AI-B-Gone, the personal information scrubber for the paranoid billionaire in your life.”
Note: This is obviously not true as other LLM's do provide information about David Mayer. Even Microsoft's Copilot which is based on the same technology that powers ChatGPT.
Scenario 6: The Non-Human Hypothesis

Here’s a twist: What if David Mayer de Rothschild isn’t human at all? Maybe he’s an advanced AI or even an alien in disguise. Or reptilian as David Icke would say.
His environmental crusades could be part of a long-term plan to terraform Earth for his species.
In this scenario, ChatGPT’s silence is a programmed response to protect this secret. Every time someone asks about David, the AI equivalent of a “nothing to see here” sign pops up.
Sidenote: In one of his interviews on YouTube, people are discussing his apparent millisecond change of eye colors. You can see that video here on YouTube. Focus on 1 minute and 36 seconds in the video.
Conclusion: The Man ChatGPT Forgot

So, who is David Mayer de Rothschild? He’s an enigma wrapped in a recycled mystery. A man born into extraordinary privilege who chose to use that privilege in extraordinary ways.
As for why ChatGPT won’t talk about him? Well, that remains a mystery. Maybe it’s a glitch or maybe it’s intentional.
Now the question remains – will ChatGPT soon change this? They must be aware of what is happening by now.
The whole X (Twitter) is buzzing about this topic, so Sam Altman must know about this also.
Let’s see how will this develop.
Interesting things for sure!
And finally, let’s close this article with Google Trends on David Mayer query.

Nothing to add here 🙂