Humans are always curious about something. Well most of us surely. Those thoughts are sometimes about daily life, sometimes about some events in the future, but sometimes our thoughts develop in weird and curious directions. Therefore, let’s try to summarize 5 weirdest thoughts that are mind-blowing in every direction.
- You have never been closer to death then you are right now! And now again! This is completely true if you think about it. Ok, you could argue that when you crashed your car, you were never closer to death. But that death was not certain. On thing that is certain is that you (and everyone else) will die in some finite amount of time. And so, every second you’re closer to death than you’ve ever been before.
- By religious theory Adam & Eve were first humans on Earth. Well what is then religious explanation of further inbreeding? I mean if we were to believe this theory whatsoever, then we need to have thoughts about massive inbreeding in first couple of hundred years. Adam’s and Eve’s children needed to mate with each other (or even weirder) with their mother for humanity to exists today. Surely it is interesting to contemplate this Adam and Eve theory from perspective of sexual relations and inbreeding.
- If our life is really simulation, where are the servers then? And who is handling those servers/computers? Every day more and more people are talking about simulation theory. But what about those computing power needed to simulate everyone’s life? Who is running those computers? Are those computers connected to electricity? To Internet? What is even Internet in that situation? So many questions open up when you really think about it. Are then those computers that are running simulation even real or are they also in simulation?
- How did people first feel when they were told that Earth is not flat? The earliest mention of the spherical Earth concept dates from around the 5th century BC. Still many people believed Earth is flat. And this is completely normal if you try to put yourself in a seat of someone born couple of thousands years ago. Everything seems flat for ordinary person. But it is interesting to contemplate how did first people feel when they found out that Earth is a sphere spinning and traveling fast through infinite universe. Probably some people killed themselves upon first information of that fact. Imagine if someone on the news now tells you that Earth is actually a cube. Many people would commit suicide instantly.
- What is really happening in the world? Now this may not seem as weird or curious question at all. But if you really think about it – this is the most curious question that it could be. Especially if you have curious and awaken mind. I mean really – are we ordinary people aware of even five percent of what is really happening? And by that I don’t mean; which celebrity wore what dress or who is elected president in country X. I mean real happenings that are affecting our daily lives or perhaps even life of our planet. Can this question or thought even be answered? What is really happening? Are we just strolling around like brainless ants or is there a direction in which this boat called Earth sails to?
Certainly there are many more weird and/or curious thoughts, but those five seemed very interesting to me. Please also share your thoughts so we can research them more here at CuriousMatrix.com