Fast and curious

Quick curious thoughts about everything. Fun and interesting facts, unknown about known. Known about unknown. If you’re curious – you’ll find answers here.

People by the bed in cave hibernating

Could Humans Ever Hibernate?

You've surely thought at least once in your life how you'd prefer to switch to hibernation mode. You know those cold and gloomy winter...
Empty universe in the future

What Will Happen In 1000000000000000000000000000000 Years?

In the grand scheme of things, a billion years is just a drop in the bucket. But what about a trillion years? Or a...
All planets in solar system and their moons

Which Planet Has The Most Moons?

With eight planets and one dwarf planet orbiting the sun, each with its own unique characteristics, it's no surprise that astronomers have discovered a...
IQ Brain with many light bulbs

Smartest Person Who Ever Lived

Here at, we really enjoy exploring topics related to intelligence and exceptionally smart minds. We've discussed the Smartest Person Alive, the Top 10 Smartest...
James Webb Telescope - JWST

Has The James Webb Space Telescope Already Found Life?

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space observatory that was launched in December 2021. Its mission is to study the universe's first...
People sitting at the table with glass prediction ball

Did Anyone Predict The Internet?

The internet has revolutionized the way people communicate, work, and access information. Basically, it has influenced almost everything in this world. It has become an...
Advanced alien civilization looking at Earth in the past when there were still dinosaurs

Could Aliens 65 Million Light Years Away See Dinosaurs on Earth?

People have always been fascinated with dinosaurs, the cosmos, and alien life. There are so many mysteries in each of these topics, and especially...
Earth as an ancestor simulation. Simulation hypothesis. Multiverse

What Are Ancestor Simulations?

Ancestor simulations are a topic of highest interest in the fields of philosophy, computer science, and science fiction. Especially in the last 10-20 years....
Infographic Evolution of Humans & Primates

Infographic Timeline Of Human Evolution

The timeline of human evolution is a rather interesting but complex subject. It is a story that basically begins with with the earliest known...
Drawing - person brain smartest IQ

Who Is The Smartest Person Alive?

Determining who is the smartest person alive is rather complex and in many cases subjective task. Most people know someone who is very intelligent,...