Fast and curious

Quick curious thoughts about everything. Fun and interesting facts, unknown about known. Known about unknown. If you’re curious – you’ll find answers here.

Brain with too much information

Information Overload and Mental Health

Information overload represents big progress in today's times. Too much information affects people negatively in many ways.
Beach, sand and galaxy Milky Way

If Our Sun Was The Size Of A Grain Of Sand, Then How Big...

This is a rather intriguing question and an interesting mind puzzle. Namely, our brains cannot even completely comprehend the largeness of the planets, not to mention the sun or the galaxy. Our galaxy, the Milky...

How Many Earths Can Fit In Jupiter?

Explore Jupiter's vastness: How many Earths can fit inside this colossal gas giant? Join us in our journey of cosmic discovery.
IQ Brain with many light bulbs

Smartest Person Who Ever Lived

Here at, we really enjoy exploring topics related to intelligence and exceptionally smart minds. We've discussed the Smartest Person Alive, the Top 10 Smartest People in the World, and the Top 10 People with...
Person covered with binary code in blue background

Simulation Theory: Are We A Part Of It Or Not?

Are you wondering whether we live in a simulation theory or not? If so, click here as I get you the most detailed answer ever.
Universe cosmos space

What Is The Universe Expanding Into?

We all know one or two things about the universe. We know that it is extremely large with billions of stars and we know that it is constantly expanding. But the question remains – where...
Galaxy and parallel universes

How to Contact Yourself in a Parallel Universe?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to contact yourself in a parallel universe? It's a concept straight out of science fiction, but the idea has captured the imagination of many. In...
All planets in solar system and their moons

Which Planet Has The Most Moons?

With eight planets and one dwarf planet orbiting the sun, each with its own unique characteristics, it's no surprise that astronomers have discovered a wide range of celestial bodies surrounding them. One of the most...
Person holding his hand on chin trying to remember his thoughts

Where Does A Thought Go When It’s Forgotten?

Have you ever wondered where your daily thoughts go when they are forgotten? Click here to find the answer. It will amaze you.
Brain on a table

What Would An IQ of 500 or 1000 Look Like?

An IQ of 100 is considered average, and anything above 130 is considered gifted. But what would an IQ of 500 or even 1000 look like? It's difficult to imagine, considering only several people in the...

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