Fast and curious

Quick curious thoughts about everything. Fun and interesting facts, unknown about known. Known about unknown. If you’re curious – you’ll find answers here.

Asteroid in space

What Will Happen To Earth In 2029? Looming Catastrophe?

In 2029, Earth will experience a rare cosmic event that has scientists and astronomers around the world excited. On April 13th of that year, the asteroid Apophis will come closer to our planet than...
Bizarre weird strange woman applying black lipstick in dark room

10 Weird New Year’s Traditions Around The World

Every country in this world celebrates New Year one way or another. Out of 195 countries in the world today, almost every country have different customs and traditions with regards to New Year's celebrations. Most...
Infographic Evolution of Humans & Primates

Infographic Timeline Of Human Evolution

The timeline of human evolution is a rather interesting but complex subject. It is a story that basically begins with with the earliest known primates, such as Dryomomys and continues through the evolution of...
Person head surrounded with icons suggesting mind reading

Will People Be Able To Read Thoughts In The Future

Advances in neuroscience and AI could lead to mind-reading technologies, but there are still significant challenges and ethical concerns. Current brain-computer interfaces and other methods show promise but are in early development stages, with potential future implications for privacy and communication.
Book Of Poetry Written by AI

First Book Written By AI About Meaning of Life and Death

I’ve just published my second book called: “The Life: Meaning, Purpose & Death.” However, this time it is something completely different. First, this is a book of poetry. Second and more important, this book...

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