Fast and curious

Quick curious thoughts about everything. Fun and interesting facts, unknown about known. Known about unknown. If you’re curious – you’ll find answers here.

Multiple Earth Planets versus One Sun

How Many Earths Can Fit Inside The Sun

The Sun, our star that brings us light and heat needed for our survival has always been topic of fascination among humans. We see it almost every day (depending, of course where we live...
Empty universe in the future

What Will Happen In 1000000000000000000000000000000 Years?

In the grand scheme of things, a billion years is just a drop in the bucket. But what about a trillion years? Or a quadrillion?  What will happen in a quintillion years? What will...
Lights going fast through dark road representing time machine

Will Time Travel Ever Be Possible?

Have you ever wondered if time travel is realistic or just another thing of fiction? Click here to see if time travel is possible in any way or not.
Ritual - person when person dies

Who Was The First Person On Earth To Die?

Have you ever wondered who were the first people on Earth? How did that even work at the beginning? And of course – do we perhaps know who was the first human or first...
People by the bed in cave hibernating

Could Humans Ever Hibernate?

You've surely thought at least once in your life how you'd prefer to switch to hibernation mode. You know those cold and gloomy winter days when it seems like nothing is right? The days...
Person laying in bad with clock on night table

We All Have 24 Hours in a Day? Or Do We?

Every day consists of 24 hours. Everybody knows that. But is it really true. Both from mathematical and time (well) spent perspective.
Drawing - person brain smartest IQ

Who Is The Smartest Person Alive?

Determining who is the smartest person alive is rather complex and in many cases subjective task. Most people know someone who is very intelligent, yet intelligence of that person probably could not fit into...
Computers powering the Earth

Simulation Hypothesis: A Brief History and Origin

Simulation Hypothesis is a concept that suggests that our reality is nothing more than a computer-generated simulation. Most people think that this is a completely new theory. However, this idea has been around for centuries...
Printing press - food propaganda

How Propaganda Influences Our Food Choices

What we eat everyday is rather important. But are we consciously considering our food choices? Or, are our choices influenced by media and propaganda?
First person on Earth - lone human standing in the middle of desert

Who Was The First Person On Earth?

The question of who was the first person on Earth is a very interesting one. Philosophers are discussing this question, people in the bar after a few beers also, and scientists dabbled with this...

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